Hazel's Life Adventure Hazel's Life Adventure
June 15, 2022

Build a Portfolio using Hugo and github

Posted on June 15, 2022  •  1 minutes  • 180 words

This is not my first time try to build my own website, but finally make it on-line again.

In the end of last semester (Dec 2021), I actually finished my own ePortfolio through WordPress. It was on-line through school’s WordPress account. I was also quite satisfied of my hard work. However, everything got deleted accidentally by a school technician 😱 😱 😱

Eventhough I felt upset 😭 and kind of mad 💢. Well, how can I say. That’s it!

Anyway, I thought “It’s better to use my own account” and I want something not “WordPress” this time.

In this May, I met HUGO which is a world’s fastest framework for building websites. I tried to figure out how to use Hugo to build a website quickly. Not need to say, the quickest way is finding a good tutorial video and learn from it.

I started with an online course taught in my native language which tell you how to build a website through Github and Hugo for free. Then, I built my own one while also checked offical HUGO documents.

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